Enopress Tasting: Provima and the Matelica’s Verdicchio

Enopress Tasting: Provima and the Matelica’s Verdicchio

The happy encounter with Mauro Maccario

We met Mauro Maccario, a wine journalist of Enopress (website of news and events about the wine), last year at the Matelica’s festival dedicated to the 50 anniversary of the Verdicchio di Matelica DOC.

Il Verdicchio di Matelica compie 50 anni

Il Verdicchio di Matelica compie 50 anni

At the gala dinner he was surprised about two wines, among which our Verdicchio di Matelica Riserva DOCG Materga 2014 that written “This wine comes from a selection of Verdicchio vineyards and is produced only in the best vintages. The low yield per hectare, the long maturation in cement tanks and in precious oak barrels, allow this wine to acquire a mighty and elegant structure. It has all the peculiarities of the “mountain” Verdicchio, or its aromatic component alive, floral (yellow flowers) and fruity (cedar, pineapple, peach) and a sip of good structure, which focuses all on the harmonious dynamics between acidity and minerality, that perfectly balance heat and softness.”


cena di gala in piazza mattei per i 50 anni del verdicchio di matelica DOC

cena di gala in piazza mattei per i 50 anni del verdicchio di matelica DOC


Enopress Tasting – May 2018

On the last special of “Enopress tasting” (May 2018) the wine journalist Mauro Maccario writes about our cellar and the quality of the Matelica’s Verdicchio selection.

Download Enopress – ENOPRESS TASTINGS N° 18 MAY 2018

Enjoy the reading, better if you sip a glass of Materga wine…

Verdicchio di Matelica Riserva docg materga

Verdicchio di Matelica Riserva docg materga