(Italiano) Matelica Wine Festival – Verdicchio in festa!
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EGOS – Nature inspired Since 2017, EGOS represents our organic wines born to enhance the efforts of our wine growers. In fact, about 30% of the vineyards of our cooperative are organic. Making organic viticulture is much more difficult than conventional one and requires much more preparation and dedication. It means, for example, the ban
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440 years ago the first quotation of Verdicchio referred to Matelica The first proof of viticulture in Matelica The cultivation of the grape is very ancient in the territory of Matelica. The most famous proof is represented by the fossil grapeseed of Vitis vinifera found, as a component of the funeral inventory of a Picentes
The Wine Hunter Award 2019 In the 2018 two wines were awarded with “The Wine Hunter Award” and this year three wines “Verdicchio di Matelica” won three acknowledgments: The RED Winehunter Award! (ROSSO). The WineHunter Award is an annual prize, given by Gourmet’s International, that certify the high quality for different category products: wines, foods, beers
Matelica WINE Festival 19-20 July 2019 An interesting weekend to celebrate the Verdicchio di Matelica with wine tasting, talk show, cooking show and street food. Where: Matelica centre More info
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