Etichetta d’oro: a special prize for the label of EGOS

Etichetta d’oro: a special prize for the label of EGOS

Etichetta d’oro 2019: a prize for the label of EGOS

Il premio

On September the 7th, in the “MIG – musei in grotta” of Cupramontana, the gala event of the “Premio Nazionale Etichetta d’Oro” 2019 took place.




This national prize “Etichetta d’oro”, organized by the municipality of Cupramontana, has reached its 28 edition. This  is an award aimed to labels of different products (wine, beer, oil and spirit) characterized for an innovative and creative idea of packaging.  

Locandina Etichetta d'oro 2019

Locandina Etichetta d’oro 2019

White wines: a prize for our label EGOS

The jury, composed by experts of graphic and design, has given a prize for the “white wines” category to our Verdicchio di Matelica DOC “EGOS”.

We’re very proud of this prize! A special thanks goes to our graphic  Daniela Pazzaglia.

etichetta d'oro 2019 al Verdicchio di Matelica DOC Egos

etichetta d’oro 2019 al Verdicchio di Matelica DOC Egos


In the suggestive underground spaces of the MIG “Musei in grotta” is located the “International museum of the wine’s label” where we found some old labels of our winery!

museo internazionale dell'etichetta_etichette storiche_cantine PROVIMA

museo internazionale dell’etichetta_etichette storiche_cantine PROVIMA